People of Barry, The Vale and beyond.
We need your help.
In a nutshell, a great deal of amazing work has gone on already to create the current facility that Barry can be proud of.
The objective is to use this area of dock land to serve the whole community.
However, all has not been plain sailing.
Unfortunately we lost out on our application for a Big Lottery grant in October which would have given us the funds to build Phase 1 of the development ( Basically a modern state of the art facility right at the end of the Mole!!!! Imagine Sydney Opera House but a smaller version.

© Red Dragon Drones
In a subsequent meeting, the main reason given was we could not demonstrate sufficient community support.
We found this a little hard to swallow, as, with approximately 18 clubs wanting to use the Centre, we thought it was obvious!
Big mistake.
What is required is evidence of such support, in the form of letters, emails, and any other means you can think of.
So we’ve come up with a plan.
That plan involves ABOUT 3 minutes OF YOUR TIME
Yep…. To fill out the online survey below :
In fact… it will take you 2 minutes!!
2 mins of your time to potentially shape the future of your community.
I for one want to see my family and their family and friends using this facility well into the future.
With your help we will then submit the lottery application again..Hopefully this time with the support of Everyone!!
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